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BTI at TOP Euskadi: The company is the only architecture for ideas to grow.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The first meeting in Álava of the programme TOP Encuentros Empresariales, aimed at the business collective and company directors, was held at BTI Biotechnology Institute, world leader in oral implantology and regenerative therapy. The directors of the 20 companies from Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa that came to Vitoria have, guided by Doctor Eduardo Anitua, been able to get to know this extraordinary group of companies whose activity revolves around biomedicine.

The first meeting in Álava of the programme TOP Encuentros Empresariales, aimed at the business collective and company directors, was held at BTI Biotechnology Institute, world leader in oral implantology and regenerative therapy. The directors of the 20 companies from Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa that came to Vitoria have, guided by Doctor Eduardo Anitua, been able to get to know this extraordinary group of companies whose activity revolves around biomedicine.

BTI is a business architecture for our ideas to grow as it opens the door to investment and the maintenance of this research drive

Dr. Eduardo Anitua

The head of BTI, Doctor Eduardo Anitua, showed the entrepreneurs that visited the company its key characteristics, and the work they do. In this regard, he explained that he directs a group devoted to biomedicine that provides employment for 250 professionals (50 of whom are researchers); that invests 100% of its profits in R&D; that has 39 medical patents; that has two development centres in the Basque country (Álava) and is established internationally; and that its main lines of work are oral implantology, regenerative therapy, biomaterials and medical computing, to name a few.

A significant part of the presentation focused on the research undertaken at its facilities, through which they have implemented techniques that have a 99% success rate in clinical practice. Among others, BTI has developed Endoret technology, the therapeutic use of plasma rich in growth factors whose many applications were discussed in detail.

Anitua highlighted the human team he has and the importance they give to training. It is not mere coincidence that medical professionals are constantly passing through their classrooms. Similarly, he indicated that “we try to group knowledge to transfer it to the world”. In fact, they are credited with numerous books and hundreds of publications in world-renowned journals.

The meeting concluded with a guided tour of BTI's modern and highly equipped facilities that enables them to be at the forefront in the field of biomedicine.

TOP Encuentros Empresariales in the Basque country

The programme TOP Encuentros Empresariales, promoted by SEA, Cebek and Adegi, are in collaboration with the department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government and are generally held at the head office of the host company and it is this company's director who is responsible for transmitting to the people the experiences that are the subject of the meeting.The TOP meetings will be back in Álava on 15 May, when the companies can get to know EGA Master.

This initiative offers access to Basque companies, experiences of business excellence direct from the people who have created them. Thus the participants have, with simple benchmarking techniques, access to practical establishments, getting to know first hand any successes and failures they may have had.

Source: SEA Empresarios Alaveses