BTI has the latest technology for producing machined structures, sintered with angulation correction or with 3D printing.

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BTI, through the HTL Dental Laboratory specialised in digital flows, provides dental professionals with CAD/CAM design and production solutions using intraoral scans or laboratory models, in several materials such as Titanium, cobalt-chrome, zirconium, PMMA, lithium disilicate, PEEK, eMax or composite.

What CAD/CAM technologies are there?

There are several technologies nowadays, but we'll focus on the two main ones, even though they are very different: subtraction and addition.

CAD/CAM by subtraction: commonly known as drilling or micro-drilling, is the elimination of material from a solid block, using a drilling technique.

CAD/CAM by addition: commonly known as sintering or sinter-drilling, is the fusion of thin layers of metallic dust.

Dispositivo BTI APNiA
Why use CAD/CAM, and why HTL?
HTL CAD/CAM systems offer multiple advantages:
  • Quality
  • Homogeneity of materials
  • Time-saving
  • The CAD/CAM process means substantial time-saving if compared to the conventional method of prosthesis manufacturing, reducing the number of visits by the patient and thus minimising the time spent at the clinic.
  • Minimisation of errors
  • By transferring a large portion of the processing of the prosthesis to the software, possible human errors that can be introduced into the manufacturing process are reduced.
  • Excellent marginal adjustment and high precision
  • The construction of this type of prosthesis requires a very high level of precision, meaning that the marginal and occlusal fits are very exact, making it possible to minimise retouching once the prosthesis has been made. While other drilling centres use three drills to manufacture a single crown, at HTL we use up to sixteen.
  • Correction of angulations
  • With this new and unique system we can include angulations in the structure, allowing us to change the indications of screw-retained prostheses. The angulation of up to 30º of screw emergence resolves the problems with divergence that we occasionally face due to errors in the placement of implants. It also provides solutions in situations of severe reabsorption, placing the implant in the area with the greatest bone volume, not the most suitable for the creation of the prosthesis.
  • Reduced laboratory costs
  • As the specific software takes care of many steps that would take a certain amount of time for each process at the laboratory, the work time is reduced and thus the costs.
  • Increased volume of production
  • The forming process makes it possible to work more effectively, making it possible to take on a larger volume of work.
  • Original BTI geometries
  • Only at HTL can we reproduce the prosthetic platforms with high precision, as they are the only ones with the original BTI geometries.
  • Biocompatibility
  • as well as this important detail, HTL only uses materials that are biocompatible and have the corresponding health certification to this effect, as well as traceability from start to finish.
  • Variety of materials
  • Titanium, cobalt-chrome, zirconium, PMMA, fibreglass, lithium disilicate, PEEK, eMax, composite, 3D model impressions.
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Want to know more about CAD/CAM?